GBhydrophilic - Anti-fog coating
Water droplets and water vapour condensation on smooth surfaces can lead to optical interference and impede the transparency or reflection. Evaporation causes annoying spotting that may also affect the optics and can entail increased cleaning work.
Our clear, transparent hydrophilic functional layer achieves an improved wetting behaviour of the surface so that fine precipitating water droplets spread to form a cohesive thin film. This creates an anti-fog effect and prevents optical interference. The thin film of water also facilitates evaporation and makes for a cooling effect (greater energy-saving potential).

Properties of GBhydrophilic
- contact angle for water θ < 20 ° (according to DIN 55660-3:2011-12)
- maximum temperature load: 200 °C
- film thickness from 5 up to 10 µm
- no change in optical quality of substrate
- scratch-resistant (scratch hardness according to DIN EN ISO 1518 depending on the substrate up to 20 N; pencil hardness
according to DIN EN ISO 15184 up to 10 H) - abrasive hardness (cross-cut test according to DIN EN ISO 2409)
- chemical-proof to customary detergents and disinfection methods
- transparent
- mechanically flexible

- plastics (PC, ETFE and more)
Application examples:
- safety goggles
- coverings
- glasses
- panes
- mirrors
- touchscreens
- and many more